Dexter SST 8 Replacement Traction Sole White T5

Quick Specs / Details
  • Note: Not compatible with Dexter THE 9 shoes
The 6lb weight is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty.

Dexter SST 8 Replacement Traction Sole White T5

Dexter SST 8 Replacement Traction Sole White T5Smooth rubber texture design for least slip resistance to allow for "Shuffling".

Details & Specs

Traction Sole T5
Least Traction
Compatible with all Dexter SST 5, 6, 7, & 8 shoes
For Dexter SST Series Shoes Only
Product ID
Not compatible with Dexter THE 9 shoes

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I need replacement sole for an older generation of SST are they interchangeable?

7/10/2016 - By

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Hello! Yes, this should work for any SST shoe.

7/11/2016 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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is there a traction sole between t2 and t5

11/6/2017 - By

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Unfortunately, there is not for Dexter shoes.

11/7/2017 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Can this be used on right shoe?

1/27/2018 - By

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It can be used on either shoe, for whatever style bowling you like.

1/29/2018 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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What number is the most slide on the sst8 slide sole

7/24/2018 - By

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The number with the most slide is the S12 Black Ice slide sole.

7/25/2018 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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My current traction sole on my SST8 is very sticky if I go to this T5 soul is that going to allow me to go to a better finish position without hanging the toe

1/14/2019 - By

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Yes, that is correct!

1/15/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Unfortunately our centers and pro shops are still closed in California. I understand the SST 8 Pro soles are convertible to either left or right. If I buy a right handed pair, do the same soles switch from one shoe to the other or do I need to buy a left handed set of soles? Thank you in advance for your response!

9/23/2020 - By

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The soles on the SST 8 shoe are the same shape so they can fit either foot.

9/24/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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