Turbo Switch Grip Finger Inner Sleeve

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Turbo Switch Grip Finger Inner Sleeve

Turbo Switch Grip Finger Inner SleeveTurbo offers their Switch Grip Interchangeable Finger Inner Sleeve as part of their Switch Grip Finger Assemblies. This product is perfect for bowlers who are plagued with release issues or fit issues due to finger swelling. The same locking technology that Turbo uses for their Thumb Assemblies was used for their Finger Assemblies. The Assembly system consists of the removable Finger Inner Sleeve that fits and locks into the permanent Outer Sleeve (Outer Sleeve sold separately) which is installed into the finger hole. This system makes it easy to quickly change insert sizes.

Details & Specs

Sold as a SINGLE
Inner Sleeve accommodates standard finder insert 31/32 o.d. (not available for 7/8" or larger 1 1/32 o.d. finger inserts.)
Easily switch finger inserts.
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how do I know if the inner sleeve would fit?

10/28/2019 - By

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You will need to know the outer diameter of the insert that you wanted to put in this. A majority of inserts have the outer diameter of 31/32 which will work in this inner sleeve. But if you outer diameter was the smaller 7/8 or the larger 1 1/32 then it will not work with this inner sleeve.

10/30/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How big is the drill hole needed

7/24/2020 - By

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Just to confirm, this is only for the inner sleeve. You would need to purchase the outer sleeve separately and the outer sleeve is what is glued into the ball. The drill hole in the ball needs to be big enough to fit the outer sleeve. Also you would have to purchase the insert that goes in side this inner sleeve separately. You may get the insert in any size as long as the inserts outer diameter is 31/32 because that is the only size insert that would fit in this inner sleeve.

7/27/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is it a soft rubber or a hard plastic/urethane grip?

1/30/2021 - By

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This inner sleeve is designed for you to glue in your favorite insert that you would like to have. It does not come with the insert included. It is just the inner sleeve that you can put down into the Turbo Switch Grip Outer Sleeve and lock into place in the ball.

2/2/2021 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Can existing finger holes be drilled out for the outer inserts to be installed or are they only able to be installed in a new undrilled ball?

3/4/2022 - By

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You would need to check this with your local proshop before ordering to make sure they can adjust to fit this in the existing holes without plugging the ball.

3/11/2022 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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is this the inner + outer combo? if not, I'm unable to find the outer sleeve in your site

4/16/2024 - By

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This inner sleeve is designed for you to glue in your favorite insert that you would like to have. It does not come with the insert included. It is just the inner sleeve that you can put down into the Turbo Switch Grip Outer Sleeve and lock into place in the ball. Here is a link to the outer sleeve. https://www.bowling.com/products/turbo-switch-grip-finger-outer-sleeve.htm

4/17/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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