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Archives: May 2024
Top Selling Bowling Balls: April, 2024
Posted May 9, 2024 In: Bowling Balls | Hammer | MOTIV | Storm | Top Sellers
April was a great month at, so we decided to recap which bowling balls were customer favorites this past month! We have to start off with a massively popular upper mid-performance ball, the Black Widow 3.0 Solid from Hammer...
RG Values and Their Meanings
Posted May 2, 2024 In: Bowling Terms | Bowling Tips
Now we all know that bowling balls have different weight blocks and different coverstocks to give them their own personal reaction. Now with these different materials and shapes, we get RG Values. What does RG stand for? Well RG means Radius of Gyration. (1) USBC defines RG of a bowling ball as a measurement in inches and is the distance from the axis of rotation at which the total mass of a body might be concentrated without changing its moment of inertia. Think of it like a Football. It can spin happily end over end or as a spiral. It will take longer to make one rotation at the same speed end over end than it will to rotate as a spiral, because the Radius of the end over end axis is longer than the spiral axis. So this means the end over end axis is the High RG plane and the spiral axis is the Low RG plane. The difference in those two axis RG values gives you your Differential. When you see the RG number on a ball advertised they are giving you the Low RG plane number. Now Differential is the driving force that causes track flare...