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Category: Bowling Event
SFA Storming 'Jack Classic
Posted Feb 17, 2015 In: Ball Maintenance | Bowling Balls | Bowling Event | Bowling News | Bowling Tips | Lemke's Look | Storm
This past weekend held a tournament at Palace Lanes which can be found in Houston Texas. Stephen F Austin State University held its first NCAA Tournament at this location. 17 Teams signed up to bowl this event. The days of the tournament were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday consisted of 6 - Five Game Baker(entire team bowls one game) Sets. Saturday consisted of 6 - 5 Person Team Game(each player bowls individual game). Sunday consisted of 3 - Best of 7 Baker Matches...
Health Benefits of Bowling
Posted Dec 3, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling News | Bowling Technology | Bowlingball | Coach's Corner | Special Note | Tips | Uncategorized
Bowling is not only just a fun and competitive game, but it also has numerous health benefits to offer to whomever wishes to play consistently on a daily basis. The average bowler will walk 6/10th's of a mile in a 3 match series. Although the game is restricted to a small area, your constant movement while playing helps burn excess fat. You're exercising your legs while walking back and forth between the lane and the scoring table, and working the rest of your body as you lift and swing the bowling ball down the lane. Now, according to, which was recognized as the best hospital in the nation for 2014, an adult weighing about 200 pounds can burn up to 275 calories during an hour of bowling. Bowling does help speed up your metabolism which will therefore slim you down a bit...
October is National Learn to Bowl month
Posted Oct 7, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling NewsBPAA Member Centers Encouraged to Introduce New People to Bowling, Generate New League Bowlers and Win Their Share of $10,000 in Cash and Prizes..
Continue ReadingExcitement Begins to Build as PBA Prepares for First-Ever Visit to Maine for PBA League Elias Cup Finals
Posted Oct 3, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling News | PBA Bowling
by Bill Vint..
Junior Gold Championships underway in Buffalo
Posted Jul 14, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling News | USBC
The 2014 Junior Gold Championships presented by Ebonite, Columbia 300, Track and Hammer are officially underway in the Buffalo, N.Y., area...