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Things to Know When Choosing Your Bowlingball
Posted Mar 26, 2009 In: Bowling Ball BagsBy Bowling.com
Bowling has been dated back to ancient Egypt and is one of today’s most popular games played all across the globe. Bowling can be played as a social game or a highly competitive one. Whether you are an avid bowler or just like to play a couple games with friends, bowling is a fun way to pass the time. One of the most important parts of bowling is the bowlingball.
A bowlingball is a round ball made from urethane, plastic, reactive resin or a combination of these materials. A ten-pin bowlingball is the most common bowlingball. Ten-pin bowling balls generally have a set of three holes drilled in them. Using your dominant hand, you insert your ring and middle finger and thumb into these holes to insure a good on the ball. However, bowling rules allow for up to five finger holes. A five-pin bowlingball has no finger holes and is smaller so the bowler can hold the ball in their hand. A candlepin bowlingball can also fit into the palm of your hand but are lighter than five-pin balls.
If you are a beginner in the sport of bowling, choosing a bowlingball may be a little intimidating. Some people think that a heavier ball with knock the pins down easier and some think a lighter ball will be easier to handle and execute down the lane. You could spend a long time trying to find the perfect bowlingball since there are so many different ones to choose from.
When choosing a bowlingball the first thing to take into consideration is the spacing of the finger holes. Even the lightest balls can cause damage to your hand if the finger holes are not spaced well for you. If you were an experienced bowler than spending extra on a custom ball to fit your fingers would be the best options so you do not damage your hand over time. Also, buying a bowlingball that is made to fit your hand and fingers will ensure you play your best game. A custom bowlingball is costly, however, and you should probably not consider buying one if you are just starting out.
A bowlingball can come in almost any color imaginable. They can be a single flat color, a swirl design looking similar to tie-dye, or a single color with a shimmering look. A very popular type of bowlingball is the transparent ball. A transparent bowlingball is painted in a fashion as to make the ball appear as though there is an object inside. These objects can be anything from roses to baseballs to skulls.
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