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If your going to be serious about bowling, save money by getting your own shoes
Posted Jan 6, 2009 In: Bowling ShoesBy Bowling.com
Why don’t you just admit it?
You like to bowl. It’s an enjoyable pastime, a great way to get out and spend time with friends and family, getting a few laughs and some good times while competing in a great sport at the same time. The exciting bright lights, the rolling spin of the ball as it crashes into a fortress of pins, that breathless rush as the ball returns so you can have another go. It’s easy to see why bowling has maintained such a consistent popularity over the years, both as a satisfying recreation and a great way to spend time out with the gang.
So if bowling is so important to you, why are you wasting your money renting shoes? If you are serious about bowling, an investment in your own bowling shoes pays for itself. You’ll spend more money renting other people’s shoes than you would if you just bought your own. Buying your own pair of bowling shoes is just good money sense.
There’s a reason they spray mountains of disinfectants in those rental shoes. They reek, infested with sweat, fungi, and disease. Why expose your feet to the germs of the bowling community?
Bowling is much more enjoyable in the comforts of your own shoes. You can know they are clean because they are yours. There’s no need to have to share the world’s feet.
Plus, when you own your own shoes, you can choose your own style. Bowling footware doesn’t have to be ugly or smelly. There are plenty of stylish and fashionable shoes on the market, so you can look good when you’re bowling at the top of your game.
Also, finding the right shoe that’s specific to your foot is critical to your game. A proper shoe allows the bowler to glide with the pitch of the ball, giving them a nice, smooth motion that adds momentum to the toss. Some shoes allow for a glide shoe as well as a brake shoe, allowing the bowler more control to glide with the ball and then stopping at just the right moment.
If you are serious about your game, you’ll get serious about your shoes. If bowling is important enough for you to play more than a few games a year, investing in your own pair of shoes just makes simple economic sense. Buying your shoes is more affordable, gives you more control over the game, and, let’s face it, simply more fashionable than going with the hand-me down option. Just think where all those other feet have been.
Tagged As: Bowling Shoes
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