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Tag: Bowling Coach

Loft or Roll?

Posted Oct 10, 2014 In: Coach's Corner | Lemke's Look | Tips

Featured Image There are moments in time when lofting the bowling ball works or rolling the ball works. How do we know when one will work better than the other? Why should I loft the ball over rolling the ball? I'm going to break down the difference between the two and try to give you some pointers on what to look for to help distinguish between lofting and rolling...

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Hand Positions!

Posted Oct 3, 2014 In: Bowling News | Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner | Lemke's Look

Featured Image We as bowlers dictate when and how the ball reacts down the lane. I know we all wish to have that magic ball but let's face it, no ball will magically work everywhere you go. Thus, we have to make the right adjustments to allow the ball to work how we may need it to. I will break down a couple of hand positions that will benefit you on certain areas and lane patterns to help you bring your game to the next level...

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Make the Move!

Posted Oct 3, 2013 In: Coach's Corner

Featured Image In today's game of bowling, making moves and adjustments must be done in order to score. This can be applied no matter what pattern or type of lane(Wood, Synthetic) you are bowling on. How do we know when to move? What types of adjustments can I make? These will be a couple of questions we will look at, and do our best to answer...

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The Most Overlooked Weapon In Your Arsenal

Posted Jan 3, 2013 In: Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner | Special Note | Tips

Featured Image It’s been a long, grinding, 12-game stepladder tournament on a very tough pattern. You’re tired, both mentally and physically, but you’ve made it to the title match. Your opponent just opened the door in the 10th. Suddenly, you have the opportunity to close the match with three in the hole to win by a single pin. You step up on the approach and bury the first two. Now, all eyes are fixed on you. What will you do on your last shot?..

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Why Do I Need a Bowling Coach?

Posted Dec 18, 2012 In: Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner

In this article we are going to talk about the purpose of having a coach. How will a coach benefit you? I am already really good at the game though, why do I need a coach? These will be some topics we will hit on...

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