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Tag: Bowling Tips

The Fitness Benefits of Bowling

Posted Jun 2, 2016 In: Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner | Fitness

When you are looking for a good workout, bowling may not be at the top of your list. While it may not measure up completely to full physical exertion in a gym, it burns more calories than you may think! Bowling is a great way to get some exercise, as it can burn more than 200 calories an hour, which can vary based on how heavy your ball is, and how many times you bowl. Bowling also uses and builds 134 muscles, improving your balance, and increasing your hand-to-eye coordination...

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Grip and Wrist Strengthening Exercises

Posted May 13, 2016 In: Bowling Tips

Certain grip strengthening exercises will not only prevent injury when you bowl, but help you perform better at the lanes! These exercises range from involving muscles in your hand, to muscles in your forearm. Strong forearm muscles allow your wrist to flex more forcefully and grip to contract harder...

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Bowler Nutrition is Vital!

Posted Apr 21, 2016 In: Bowling Tips | Tips

There are many factors that can effect a bowler’s performance: lane conditions, equipment, techniques, etc. But what about the mental game within the game? Proper conditioning can help the mental game, but one aspect remains largely unnoticed to an average bowler: nutrition!..

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The Fitness Benefit of Bowling!

Posted Dec 24, 2015 In: Bowling Tips

This time of the year is great. We’ve had Halloween, Thanksgiving, and tomorrow we’ll have Christmas. Gym owners love this time of year, because… well… some of us have packed on a few pounds, and are looking to get back to that pre-holiday season weight...

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Minimize Hand Injury by Stretching!

Posted Nov 27, 2015 In: Bowling Tips

Featured Image As many bowlers know, bowling encompasses all the major muscle groups including the hamstrings, quadriceps, rotator cuff complex, gluteus (buttocks), deltoids, and muscles of the upper extremity with those affecting grip and finger strength. Often, injuries involve fingers, wrists, elbow and shoulder...

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