OnTheBallBowling Dogs Ball

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OnTheBallBowling Dogs Ball

OnTheBallBowling Dogs BallThis new dogs themed ball is sure to be a hit on the lanes for any kid or just a kid at heart!

Details & Specs

A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
Ball Finish
Rubbing and Finishing Compound Single Buff
Recommended Lane Condition
This ball may have a seam where both halves meet.
Manufacturer's Warranty
One (1) year from purchase date (*6 lb. balls excl., other exclusions may apply)
Product ID
Ball Performance
California Proposition 65

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Are these balls to be used on lane or just for looks? I can't find a review or video of someone rolling an OnTheBall ball anywhere.

12/9/2024 - By

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These balls are made to be used for bowling on the lanes but also make a great display.

1/10/2025 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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