OnTheBallBowling Ocean Pals Ball

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OnTheBallBowling Ocean Pals Ball

OnTheBallBowling Ocean Pals BallThis new Ocean Pals themed ball is sure to be a hit on the lanes for any kid or just a kid at heart!

Details & Specs

A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
Ball Finish
Rubbing and Finishing Compound Single Buff
Recommended Lane Condition
This ball may have a seam where both halves meet.
Manufacturer's Warranty
One (1) year from purchase date (*6 lb. balls excl., other exclusions may apply)
Product ID
Ball Performance
California Proposition 65

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what is drilling protection?

8/8/2022 - By

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Drilling protection is designed to help you if the ball chips or cracks while you are having it drilled at your local proshop. We help to replace the ball and reimburse your drilling cost if that happens. To see more details click the "?" beside the drilling protection option.

8/17/2022 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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