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Sam Grayston's Inspiring Story

Posted Jul 25, 2012 In: Special Note
By Bowling.com

Sam Grayston's Inspiring StorySometimes there are stories so great that it's hard to believe they're real.  When someone does something that puts a tear in your eye and gives you more strength in your daily life.  It's even more awe inspiring when that someone showing great courage and determination is a child.  A child with great determination inspires us all to be better and Sam Grayston is exactly that kind of kid.

Sam is ten years old, at Forest Lanes in Lake Forest, California he's simply know as the mayor of the bowling center. Sam is always on the lanes, he bowls on average 40 games per week and if you were a casual passerby you might never know that bowling 40 games a week isn't the only thing that's special about Sam.  You see Sam has cystic fibrosis, a chronic disease in the lungs and digestive system.  If you watch him bowl though he never shows any signs of it.

Treesa Spencer runs Forest Lanes and said, "it was more than a year before I knew he had any kind of disease." adding, "He never shows it, never complains, never talks about it.  He stays left-brained and he is focused, intelligent, mature, just an incredible kid."

Sam is so dedicated to his bowling craft that once after being in the hospital for another bout with his cystic fibrosis he didn't even go home, he went straight to the lanes.  You see the real battle for Sam is the one with the pins at the end of the lane.  Not only does Sam bowl a lot he's a lot better than your average bowler, doing something that most bowlers can only dream of when he achieved bowling perfection.

Sam bowled his first 300 game Friday night and it was an inspiration to everyone in the community.  When asked about it Sam pointed out that it might be his first, but don't count on it being his last.  Recalling the night Sam's mom Laurie said, "Tons of people were standing around watching, and everyone got really quiet, especially because it was Sam."

So next time you think that you might have a hard time pushing yourself to go to the gym or even make it out to league bowling night remember the battle that Sam Grayston faces everyday and his determination.  If Sam doesn't inspire you to be better and do more nothing will.