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Tag: Lane Topography

Ball Watching and Making the Move

Posted Jan 21, 2014 In: Coach's Corner

Featured Image Most bowlers will run through their same routine on each shot. What happens once they let go of the ball? Are they paying attention to how the ball is reacting from the lay down point, to hitting the pins? I believe where we struggle the most is arguing within our mind. We will tell our self that we made a bad shot instead of stating the ball over/under hooked for me. How do we know if it is the lane causing the results or our own mind telling us it was just a bad shot? I will try to break this down to understand when it is truly time to move or if you indeed made a bad shot...

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Knowledge of Lane Play

Posted Sep 19, 2013 In: Coach's Corner

Has this simple game called Bowling progressed in technology so far that most people no longer understand it? With these advancements, have people strayed away from the game? Do people look at bowling as too simple? I think it is a mixture of all of these things that plays a big part of why (competitive) bowling is declining year over year. To make my point we are going to look at just 2 (there are anywhere from 100-150 different types of named oil patterns) different types of oil patterns, and how those affect which ball to use and your mental approach to each. To wrap it all up, I will share how I feel about the direction bowling has taken with these advancements...

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Lane Topography or Lane Pattern?

Posted Aug 30, 2013 In: Coach's Corner

Featured Image Did you know there are invisible lane factors that you battle against every time you bowl? You didn't? Great, let's jump in. What is more important, Lane Topography or Lane Patterns? The downfall to this question is we cannot see either one with the naked eye. We need to either run tapes to get the lane pattern or use a special machine or balance tool with a color box to get the lane topography...

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