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900Global Xponent Pearl

$239.99 SAVE 48%


Quick Specs / Details
  • Predictable reaction
  • Complements so many other balls in the line
  • Essential for a good ball arsenal
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900Global Xponent Pearl

The 900Global Xponent Pearl was designed to expand the 700 Series performance with a superb medium-light oil choice. Featuring the Shrapnel 2.0 Symmetric Core for an early, controlled revving shape, and paired with the handcrafted Reserve Blend 702 Pearl Cover designed to provide extra length on drier conditions. The Shrapnel 2.0 Symmetric Core, previously successful in the XPonent Solid, offers unique RG and Diff numbers, making it an ideal benchmark for reading lanes. Its smooth transition off the pattern makes it an excellent alternative to the Zen Gold Label on dry lanes. The early revving nature balances the clean cover, while the Reserve Blend 702 Pearl Cover, finished with Reacta Gloss, ensures remarkable front-lane length. Perfect for attacking lighter oil conditions and worn lane surfaces, it stands out as a premier option in the 900 Global lineup.

  • Color: Sky Blue/Black
    All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
  • Core: Shrapnel 2.0 Symmetric (14-16#)
  • Coverstock: Reserve Blend 702 Pearl Reactive
  • RG: 2.48 (15# ball)
  • Differential: 0.042 (15# ball)
  • Finish: Reacta Gloss
  • Hook Potential: Medium
  • Length: Long
  • Recommended Lane Condition: Medium Oil
  • A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
  • Product ID: 14909
  • Brand: 900 Global
  • Category: Bowling Balls
  • Ball Performance: Mid Performance Balls

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How would this ball compare to summit peak and iq ruby

1/28/2024 - By

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This would compare more closely to the IQ Ruby as both are designed to work best in medium conditions. They both have a pearl coverstock and gloss finish to give great length. The Summit Peak will have a stronger hook potential and is more suited for medium to heavy oil.

1/30/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Compare to Black widow ghost

2/15/2024 - By

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Hi Pete! The upper-mid performance Hammer Black Widow Ghost is more aggressive with a higher hook potential than the mid performance 900Global Xponent Pearl.

2/16/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Would the xponent pearl fit perfectly after the phaze two?

3/6/2024 - By

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The Xponent Pearl will give you more length and works better down in medium oil than the Phaze II so this could be a great option to transition to as the lane conditions dry out.

3/14/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Which is the better ball the zen gold label or xponent pearl?

4/30/2024 - By

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The upper-mid performance 900Global Zen Gold Label is going to have a higher hook potential for heavier oil lanes than the mid performance 900Global Xponent Pearl, which would have a similar late reaction and better on medium oil lane conditions.

5/1/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Can I get a short pin

5/7/2024 - By

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Hi, Jim! You are able to enter your request on the ball page, under the weight option where it says click here to request pin/top weight or the comments box on the final review page. Once the order is placed our warehouse will check to see what they have in stock and notify you if they do not have a match before shipping the order. 

5/8/2024 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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