Storm AstroPhysiX

Storm AstroPhysiXThe Storm AstroPhysiX high performance bowling ball was carefully designed to meet the need of bowlers. This ball offers awesome power and angle through the Atomic core and R2S Pearl Reactive coverstock. This ball delays reaction inorder to explode on the backend. This ball matches well with bowlers that have a big swing and want extra backend.

Details & Specs

All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
R2S Pearl Reactive
A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
1500-grit Polished
2.48 (based on 15# ball)
0.053 (based on 15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition
Medium to Heavy Oil
Plum Nectar
Product ID
Ball Performance

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Is this ball like the code black

6/13/2019 - By

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They both have the exact same coverstock and finish but the weight blocks were different. The weight block on this ball was designed to start reving up sooner while the Code Black weight block revs up later.

6/14/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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My daughter is a very good high school bowler. I would like to see her throw w/more impact via a reactive ball. I am thinking this and possibly the Super Soniq. Which do you believe would help her gain maximum ball speed and ultimately, increased pin action.

6/13/2019 - By

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The biggest difference on this versus the Super Son!Q would be that the Super Son!Q will want to read the lane earlier for a smoother reaction on the lanes. The AstroPhysiX is designed to go longer with a more angular backend. The length could help if she is not able to get the ball speed higher because it has good length. Also, the more angular backed could help with pin action so I would think the AstroPhysiX sounds like a better option.

6/14/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is the weight block the same in the 14 lb verses the 13 lb, I have a bad shoulder and need to go down a lb but I want the weight block the same.

6/19/2019 - By

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Unfortunately, the 13# will have a generic core and will not have the same weight block.

6/20/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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This ball might be my upgrade from my Roto Grip Hustle HYB. The reason is that I cannot get a good enough hook with it. Do you think that this ball is a good upgrade?

6/19/2019 - By

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Yes, this would be an excellent upgrade.

6/20/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How does this ball compare to the crux prime?

6/24/2019 - By

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The Crux Prime is a solid coverstock and the AstroPhysix is a pearl coverstock. The Crux Prime will break sooner than this ball.

6/25/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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is the 14 pound ball manufactured the same as the 15 pound ball

7/3/2019 - By

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Yes, that is correct!

7/3/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Why after 15 games this doesn't hook?

7/6/2019 - By

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This is a high performance ball and it will soak oil into the coverstock quicker than most bowling balls. Because of this, you have to clean this ball very regularly and I would also suggest wiping the ball off as soon as it comes back from the ball return. You may check with your local proshop to see if they can do a deep clean to help get some life back into the ball for you but that would be my best guess on why this has lost some the hook after so few of games.

7/9/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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With the new rule of no weight hole how will that affect the ball

7/13/2019 - By

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That is a better question to ask your local driller.

7/15/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I recently asked this question to a Storm rep at a Storm demo day. He said the weight hole will make the ball come in a little earlier giving it more of a smooth arc. Same ball without the weight hole will go a little longer and a bit more angular.

2/26/2020 - By Chris G.
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What does it mean when a bowling ball is categorized as high performance?

7/16/2019 - By

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A high performance ball will have high hooking power and be aggressive. Usually, league and pro bowlers bowl with a high performance ball.

7/17/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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What's the difference between the motiv quest and astro physix

7/19/2019 - By

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There is not much we can see different between them. They are both high performance balls designed for medium to mostly heavy oil conditions and both are made to go long with a strong backend hook. The similarities are so close that it just comes down to personal preference.

7/19/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Which ball will hook more the Astro physix or the Halo Vision?

7/26/2019 - By

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Since the Halo Vision is a hybrid, it will have more hooking power.

7/29/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball good for low rev bowlers

7/28/2019 - By

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This is a high performance ball for experience bowlers. Maybe better for someone who has higher revs.

7/29/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball better than the Widow ?

7/28/2019 - By

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This will be more aggressive than the Widow.

7/29/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Will this ball go longer than a hy-road solid

7/31/2019 - By

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Yes, that is correct!

8/1/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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What is more powerful the roto grip halo vision or the storm astro physics

8/1/2019 - By

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The Halo Vision will be more powerful than the AstroPhysix.

8/1/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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is pink blck window the same?

8/21/2019 - By

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The Hammer Black Widow Pink is an upper mid performance ball while the Storm Astrophysix is a high performance ball. So the Astrophysix would be more comparable to the Hammer Statement Pearl.

8/22/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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8/22/2019 - By

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The Atomic core is an asymmetric weight block.

8/22/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Which one is better, Roto Grip Pearl or Astro Physix?

8/22/2019 - By

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I did not see which Roto Grip ball you were comparing this to but the closest comparison would probably be the Roto Grip Halo Pearl. They are both high performance balls with a pearl coverstock and both made to work in heavier oil and some medium conditions. The numbers are very close so it is hard to say which is better.

8/22/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How does this ball compare to the ebonite futura?

8/22/2019 - By

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There are a number of differences between the two bowling balls. First, the Astrophysix is a high performance ball while the Futura is an upper mid performance ball. The Futura also has a duller Hybrid cover which would read the lanes more in the midlane for a smoother reaction while the Astrophysix has a polished pearl coverstock for more length and a more angular backend hook.

8/22/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I'm having hard time choosing between Halo Pearl and Astro Physix, which one would you recommend.

8/22/2019 - By

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Both balls are very comparable. You would likely not have any problems with either option so it really just comes down to personal preference. Over the last month the Astrophysix has been the most popular ball in terms of sales so if we were to make any recommendation we would go with this ball just because it sells a little better but that is not to say it is better than the Roto Grip Halo Pearl.

8/23/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I currently throw a Code Red. It's a little worn and time to replace. How does the AstroPhyix compare?

8/27/2019 - By

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The AstroPhysix is comparable and it has the same out-of-box-finish as the Code Red had. The biggest difference is that the Code Red was a Hybrid cover while the AstroPhysix is a Pearl so the AstroPhysix will cover a little longer and be a little sharper on the backend.

8/27/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How does this ball compare to the more cash

8/28/2019 - By

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The More Cash from Radical is a dull finished ball that reads midlane and has a smoother gradual hook. This AstroPhysix goes long and has a more angular backend hook.

8/28/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I throw higher revs with a lower ball speed(10 to 12 mph). What ball would you recommend between the astrophysix or halo vision. Thanks

8/29/2019 - By

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If you are rev dominant and have a high rev rate but slow ball speed then you would want the most length you can get on the ball to help keep the ball from reading too strong too early. The AstroPhysix is a pearl cover with a polished finish so it would give you more length than the hybrid cover and 4000 grit finish on the Halo Vision so I would suggest the AstroPhysix for you.

8/29/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I’m currently using a Code Red for most of my games, I’m looking to add to the arsenal. I’ve talked with some folks about getting a pearl. The Statement Pearl has been recommended for my game. How do these balls compare? AstroPhysix vs Statement Pearl? Would I notice anything other the the Physix going longer than the Code Red?

8/30/2019 - By

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The AstroPhysix and the Statement Pearl are very comparable. There would not be much different between those two bowling ball options. Between the AstroPhysix and the Code Red the AstroPhysix would go longer and this could give you a more angular backend. This could give you a little better entry angle to help with better pin action and carry through. That is one thing to watch for between the Code Red and this ball.

9/4/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How do you think it handles for a left hander?-??

8/30/2019 - By

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It would likely work very well for a left handed bowler and you may get to use this ball longer through the night if you have more right handed bowlers that bowl with you. Less people bowling on the left side of the lane will mean the oil stays heavier for longer so you will be able to use this ball longer before having to change to something else.

9/4/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball like the code red?

9/15/2019 - By

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This ball is similar to the Code Red because they have the same finish to give them both good length. However, the Code Red had a hybrid cover which helped it to read a little earlier while the AstroPhysix is a pearl cover to go longer on the lanes.

9/24/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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how does this ball compare to the alpha crux?

10/16/2019 - By

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The biggest difference will be from the cover and finish. The AstroPhysix is a pearl cover with a polished finish which makes the ball go longer on the lane with a sharper backend hook. The Alpha Crux is a solid ball with a duller coverstock so it reads more in the mid lane with a smooth arc hook.

10/17/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I throw fast with high rev would the astro physics be a good bsll

10/26/2019 - By

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This could work if you want the ball to go longer on the lanes. As long as your revs match your ball speed then you should be able to use most options.

10/30/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How would this ball compare to the golden jackal?

12/10/2019 - By

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The Storm AstrophysiX would go longer, but the Motiv Golden Jackal would have more flare potential.

12/11/2019 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How is the ball compare to roto grip cell pearl?

1/2/2020 - By

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This will be very comparable to the Roto Grip Cell Pearl. Both are high performance balls with a pearl coverstock and polished finish so they have very similar reactions on the lane.

1/8/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Will a 12 pound ball still have a strong hook? Also, will it have an asymetrical core

1/20/2020 - By

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The 12lb ball will still have a weight block but it changes in the 12 and 13lb weights. Also, the ball still has the same cover through all weights to this will still give the ball a good reaction. To see the weight block and specs on the 12lb weight visit this link to Storm:

1/23/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this an A symmetric ball or symmetric

1/21/2020 - By

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This ball has an asymmetric weight block.

1/23/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Rating on ball scale

1/22/2020 - By

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This is a high performance ball for medium to heavy oil conditions so the rating would be high on the scale. I do not have a number scale to go from because Storm does not have a scale really.

1/23/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How does this ball match up against the triple x

2/11/2020 - By

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This would be very similar to the old Triple X Factor ball. Both are a pearl cover with a 1500 grit polished finish and the specs seem to be pretty similar.

2/14/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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im a two hander and i have a tropical surge rn and it hooks way to early i get alot of rpms of the ball and need to go up in weight its only a 12lb so jokingly i threw a 16lb and got another 30 pins than my last game is this something that will hook later maybe an extra foot or two

2/16/2020 - By

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It is hard to say. Normally you would throw lighter weights faster on the lane and it would react later on the lanes. So if the Tropical Surge, which is not a very aggressive ball, is hooking too early then a stronger ball like the Astrophysix would hook even more and earlier. But going up in weight will usually drive through the pins better and get better pin action.

2/19/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Would the phi six be good replacement for my snap lock?

2/20/2020 - By

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Yes, this would be the most comparable option to the Snap Lock in the current Storm line up. Both have a pearl coverstock with 1500 grit polished finish and similar RG values.

2/20/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Can you show a diagram of how the ball works please

3/7/2020 - By

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3/10/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I currently have 15# Hydro Storm What would be a good complimentary ball

3/11/2020 - By

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I am not able to find details for a Storm Hydro unfortunately. I can confirm that the Storm Astrophysix is designed fro medium to heavy oil conditions and the pearl cover with a polished finish helps this ball have great length and a strong sharp backend hook.

3/13/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I have the code black and gold IQ. Is this astrophysics good ball to get

3/11/2020 - By

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The Astrophysix is going to be very similar to the Code Black. They have the same coverstock and finish but a different weight block. However, the reactions are going to be very close so if you needed to replace the Code Black this would be a good option but you may not need this if your Code Black is still working fine because they would be too close for you to need both.

3/13/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Will this ball go straight if thrown that way or will the asymmetric core force it to hook? I am a beginner bowler but really like the color and use 12# balls so far

3/14/2020 - By

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The ball does require the correct spin in order to hook so if you throw this straight without and hook on the ball it will likely go straight.

3/17/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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is there much difference between the astro physix and the omege crux

3/24/2020 - By

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Yes, there is a significant different between these options. The Omega Crux is a high performance ball so it will have a stronger hook potential than the Astrophysix and it will handle heavier oil better while the Astrophysix is more designed for medium oil. Also the Astrophysix is polished out of the box to go longer on the lanes while the Omega Crux has a duller finish to help it start reading a little earlier.

3/25/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Would this be a step above a squatch hybrid

4/11/2020 - By

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Yes, this would be stronger than the Squatch Hybrid. The Squatch Hybrid is a mid performance option while the Astrophysix is a high performance ball so the Astrophysix will have a stronger hook reaction.

4/13/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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How is this bowling ball compared to the storm iq emerald

4/17/2020 - By

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The Astrophysix has a stronger asymmetric weight block which helps it hook more and work in medium to heavy oil while the IQ Emerald has a symmetric weight block and works in medium oil.

4/20/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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When I select this ball and select 12 pounds it takes away the drilling option. Does this mean it wont be drilled at all and will have to get it drilled at a Pro Shop?

6/1/2020 - By

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Only one of our warehouses is set up to do the performance drilling option so if you select a weight and that particular weight is not in stock at the warehouse that has the drilling service, then it will take away the drilling option and you would have to get the ball drilled locally. We are sorry for the inconvenience on this.

6/2/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this a good arsenal hammer redemption,omega crux,axiom,astro physix,phase2,iq emerald,allroad,purple hammer spare

7/29/2020 - By

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This looks like a good arsenal because you have multiple options for basically every condition. The Redemption and Omega Crux are both for heavier oil and they give you two different reads on heavy. The Axiom and Phaze 2 are similar on medium to heavy oil but you also have the Astrophysix to give you a different later read on medium to heavy oil and the IQ Emerald and All Road give you different reads in medium and some light oil with the Purple Hammer being a good dry oil ball and spare ball.

7/30/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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i have the jackal ghost the omega crux and the astro physix in my bag. seems like a good mix to me .. your thoughts ?

8/10/2020 - By

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If you are bowling in mostly heavier oil that is a good mix. They are all high performance balls designed for mostly heavier oil but they have varying degrees of length on heavier oil with the Jackal reacting the earliest, the AstroPhysix is the latest and the Omega Crux is some what in between.

8/10/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball like a T Zone

10/3/2020 - By

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The Brunswick TZone line is a straight bowling ball while this ball is a high performance hooking ball so they will be very different.

10/7/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I currently bowling with a timeless. Ball still rolls fine for me, but I am looking for ball that’s a step up. Would this be a good ball? Or possibly the phase 2?

11/7/2020 - By

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The Astrophysix would go longer than the Timeless and have a slightly more angular backend so I am not sure if this is necessarily a step up from the Timeless. Both were rated for medium to heavy oil conditions so if you need to go up to something for heavy oil only then you may want something like the Storm Omega Crux or the Storm Proton Physix.

11/10/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Would this be a step up from the timeless

11/9/2020 - By

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The Astrophysix would go longer than the Timeless and have a slightly more angular backend so I am not sure if this is necessarily a step up from the Timeless. Both were rated for medium to heavy oil conditions so if you need to go up to something for heavy oil only then you may want something like the Storm Omega Crux or the Storm Proton Physix.

11/10/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball comparible to the Marvel Pearl and is it better or worse?

11/25/2020 - By

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One of the biggest differences would be the weight block. The Astrophysix is a high performance ball with an asymmetric weight block which will have a stronger reaction and a little more length than the symmetric weight block on the upper mid performance Marvel Pearl.

11/28/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Is this ball good for Junior Gold?

12/20/2020 - By

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This may be a good option for Junior Gold if you get into medium to heavier oil and need to play a line that gets down the lane more with a sharper backend.

12/30/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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Do the 12 and 13lb. have a Asymmetric Core

12/23/2020 - By

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The 12-13lb weights will have a different weight block and that weight block is Symmetric.

12/23/2020 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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I throw a 15lb ball at a 17-18 mph. I throw at approx the 5 board and need something to break into the pocket hard. Is this a good ball for that?

2/14/2021 - By

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This ball is designed to read late on the backend and with your higher ball speed you could get this to play fairly straight and it would have a good backend. This is designed to work in medium to heavy oil but with your higher ball speed this would work better in medium oil.

2/24/2021 - By Bowling.Com Staff
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