If you are serious about bowling, you are aware that buying the perfect bowling ball can significantly improve your game. Finding the perfect ball at the bowling alley is comparable to going on a treasure hunt. And if you happen to be a left handed bowler, good luck finding any ball that you will be able to throw with your left hand. That is the reason why most left-handed bowlers bowl with their right hand. But you don’t have to bowl with an uncomfortable ball, buying your own bowling ball can be an affordable and worthwhile option.
There are many options to consider when purchasing your custom made bowling ball. First you have to pick out the style of your ball. Bowling balls are available in a wide variety of styles that can reflect your own personal fashion. You can select a color, design, or perhaps even a clear bowling ball. There are thousands of different bowling ball style combinations available and there are some very impressive graphics that are being designed for balls.
The weight of your bowling ball is the next option that you have to select. Test out a few different weights before you decide which one you are the most comfortable with. Adult bowling balls range from 10lbs up to 16 lbs. Women typically use balls in the 10-13lb range. Men tend to bowl with 13lb+ balls.
Finally, you need to decide on how you would like the finger holes drilled out. Many balls come pre-drilled with the conventional grip style. Typically, the bigger the ball, the bigger the finger holes will be. You can have your ball drilled in whichever style you like and select the size of the holes that you are most comfortable with. Left handers can have the balls drilled appropriately so that they can properly bowl with their left hand.
Monogramming is also a great option to take advantage of when you are buying a custom bowling ball. Having your name inscribed on a ball can clear up any case of mistaken bowling ball identity and it is a great way to personalize your ball.
If you enjoy bowling, purchasing a custom ball is a great investment and buying your own bowlingball will save you the hassle of running up and down the alley in search of a 16lb ball on the night of the men’s league.
Tagged As: Bowling Ball
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