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Bowling News, Reviews, Tips & Education
Come back weekly to see what's going on in the bowling world. Learn about the latest bowling balls, bags, shoes, and more. Plus get tips to improve your bowling game!
Practice Methods and Drills
Posted Jun 11, 2012 In: Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner | TipsI always think back to a quote that I learned from the great Gary Sparks, "Perfect practice creates the perfect bowler." I know practice takes time away from the day and sometimes can cost a bit of money out of the pocket, but it is always worth it. The question really is, how do you go about making practice worth your while. Do you go to the lanes just to bowl a few games and call that practice? Or do you have some sort of method behind your schemes. I will take you through a few drills that I like to run...
Continue ReadingBowling Lingo / Terminology
Posted Jun 4, 2012 In: Bowling Terms | Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner | Tips
The American Bowling Congress was founded in 1895 and was dissolved in 2004. It was replaced officially on January 1, 2005 by the United States Bowling Congress as an organization to combine the efforts of the ABC, WIBC, YABA, and USA Bowling...
Adding Speed To Your Ball
Posted May 1, 2012 In: Bowling Ball Bags | Bowlingball | Tips..
Continue ReadingIs There a Better Gift Than a Bowling Gift?
Posted Apr 6, 2012 In: Bowling Ball Bags | Bowling Balls | Bowling Gifts | Storm
If you know a bowler that's in the market for a new ball, then go ahead and spoil them. Imagine the look on their face when they open up that brand new ball with their name monogrammed on it, priceless! The one thing about buying someone a new ball as a gift is it takes a little work and research to make sure that you get the correct weight and ball type for their playing style. If your significant other has been ranting and raving about the new Storm Vivid then you've already got the information that you need to give a great gift...
Continue ReadingHigh-Performance Balls ON SALE
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